CPD Points

To maintain a designation, a member must complete:

  • A minimum of 120 CPD points within a rolling 3-year period;
  • A minimum of 60 CPD points (of the above 120 points) must be verifiable; and
  • A minimum of 20 CPD points of learning (verifiable/non-verifiable) must be completed during each of the three years, where;
  • 1 notional hour is equal to 1 CPD point.

CPD points can be accumulated through participating in the following activities:

  • Courses, conferences, workshops, seminars, events or arm chair discussions (both third party and CIPPT);
  • In-house or company-specific training;
  • Reading CPD verifiable articles;
  • Attending meetings that contribute to members’ current and / or future roles;
  • Undertaking committee work (including preparation for meetings) to the extent that learning is gained from this activity;
  • Developing systems and processes;
  • Publishing articles related to members’ professional development or career paths;
  • Giving relevant in-house presentations;
  • Developing or delivering a course or CPD session in an area related to one’s professional responsibilities;
  • Undertaking action-based learning (research initiatives);
  • Undertaking further formal or professional qualifications or formal studies, for example MBA, Higher Diplomas, Certificates and Masters degrees in a relevant discipline (only the verifiable portion), including contact time with the lecturer and attendance of lectures and tutorials;
  • Preparing for and taking professional examinations;
  • Undertaking e-learning, on-line and web-based training; and
  • Viewing technical DVDs, podcasts, webinars in group or discussion sessions.
  • For further information regarding CPD points please contact the CIPPT office,